Caused by

  • A student subscribing to a school’s subscription plan.

Result object

The new student subscription trigger returns information about a User’s subscription to a school’s subscription plan.

  • event: Describes an Event object detailing the type and time of the event being sent to Zapier.
  • id: The ID of the user’s Subscription object.
  • user: Describes a User object, namely the User who subscribed to a plan.
  • school: Describes a School object, namely the school in which the subscription was started.
  • gifted_subscription: Extra information about a subscription that was gifted. Only set if the subscription was gifted.

    • gifted_subscription_cycles: The number of cycles of the subscription that were gifted.
    • gift_code: The code for the gift subscription.
  • discount_code: If not null, the discount code, a string, that was used to discount the subscription plan.
  • subscription: Information about the subscription that comes from Stripe.

    • id: The Subscription’s unique ID.
    • subscription_plan: Information about the plan that the User subscribed to.

      • id: The plan’s unique ID.
      • amount: The amount that this plan costs per month, in the school’s currency.
      • interval: Either Monthly or Yearly, depending on billing frequency.
      • trial_period_days: The number of days included for free with this plan as part of a trial.
    • trial_end_dtime: If the subscription included a trial, this is when it ended/will end.
    • canceled_dtime: If the subscription was canceled, this is when the cancellation was processed. Note that this does not indicate whether or not the subscription is active. A mixture of other attributes in this object can be used for that purpose, notably is_canceled_at_cycle_end and cycle_end_dtime.
    • cycle_start_dtime: The start time of the current billing cycle, or last billing cycle in inactive subscriptions.
    • cycle_end_dtime: The end time of the current billing cycle, or last billing cycle in inactive subscriptions.
    • card_last_4: The last 4 digits of the card to be used for the subscription.
    • paused_until_dtime: If set, this subscription is paused, and will be automatically resumed on at this time.
    • is_canceled_at_cycle_end: If true, the user has processed a cancellation request for their subscription, and it will be cancelled at the end of the current cycle. Also set true for inactive subscriptions that were canceled.
    • is_delinquent: Whether or not payments have failed, leaving the subscription delinquent.
    • cancellation_reason: An integer describing the reason for cancelling the subscription.

Example object

    "event": {
        "type": "student.subscription.succeeded",
        "sent_time": "2014-11-06T18:27:54.482456+00:00"
    "id": 14519,
    "user": {
        "username": "john_doe",
        "first_name": "John",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "email": "",
        "membership": {
            "membership_type": "Student",
            "can_manage_school": false,
            "is_school_admin": false,
            "can_create_course": false
        "id": 52047
    "school": {
        "id": 32253,
        "name": "Online Academy"
    "gifted_subscription": {
        "gifted_subscription_cycles": 3,
        "gift_code": "GIFT-CODE"
    "discount_code": null,
    "subscription": {
        "id": 14519,
        "subscription_plan": {
            "id": 7,
            "amount": 27,
            "interval": "Monthly",
            "trial_period_days": 0
        "trial_end_dtime": null,
        "canceled_dtime": null,
        "cycle_start_dtime": "2014-11-05T10:52:58Z",
        "cycle_end_dtime": "2014-12-05T10:52:58Z",
        "card_last_4": "5678",
        "paused_until_dtime": null,
        "is_canceled_at_cycle_end": false,
        "is_delinquent": false,
        "cancellation_reason": 0