
The Create Registration Invitation action in Zapier has multiple uses:

  • Inviting a new user to a group of a course via email.
  • Automatically creating a new user and enrolling them in a group, sending them an email with a login link.

Action Parameters

  • offering_id: The ID of the Offering (group of a course) that the user should be invited to.

    • This can be found by going into the settings for the group. The URL should end with /group/{offering_id}/. This offering ID can be used to fill this field.
  • to_email: The email address of the user receiving the invitation.
  • invitation_message: If provided, overrides the default message body of the email sent with the invitation.
  • invitation_subject: If provided, overrides the subject of the email sent with the invitation.
  • pre_payed_transaction_id: Optional. Provides Pathwright with an external payment ID that can be shown on school reports.
  • auto_create_user: Defaults to False. If True, creates a user with the first name, last name, and email fields and sends them an email invitation with a login link that registers them to the group.
  • first_name: Required if auto_create_user is True. The user’s first name.
  • last_name: Required if auto_create_user is True. The user’s last name.